we bring
cyber awareness
to the masses

Awareness  |  Policy  |  Incidence Response

Sri Lanka’s top cybersecurity awareness educator...

Asela Waidyalankara is a cyber security expert based in Sri Lanka with more than a decade of experience in progressive technology, digital strategy, and policy.
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Cyber Security Awareness

Sri Lanka is at the cusp of Digital transformation, in 2022 Sri Lanka’s Digital Literacy stood at 59.8%, with urban areas as high as 72%. With increasing access to digital platforms and services at school, work, and personal devices, the awareness of digital safety practices, digital hygiene and cyber security has become paramount. For organizations the responsibility to ensure their digital systems and platforms are secure and trusted has not only become an IT risk, but also a business and reputation risk which can impact clients both domestic and international. To fulfill these obligations, it’s not only important to invest in technical resources but also in human capital, the key component of which is employees, leading to building a resilient cybersecurity culture in organizations.

Sri Lankan organizations are under additional regulatory pressure from legislation such as the Personal Data Protection Act of Sri Lanka and the Cyber Security Act, where they have a legal responsibility to ensure that their staff are aware, updated and trained on Cyber Security and Privacy practices.

With these fast evolving cyber threats and even more digital connectivity Cybersafe’s awareness sessions will help your organizations and your teams stay updated and ahead of these uncertain times. We will formulate your first steps towards building a cybersafe culture in your organization that will yield better outcomes than technology alone will.
Cybersafe’s cyber security awareness sessions aim to inform and educate audiences of diverse backgrounds on this topic in a manner they can understand and relate to. Our awareness sessions typically have the following outline and is suitable for corporates, associations and professional bodies, government entities, and educational institutions

Introduction to Cyber Security


Why we should take Cyber Security seriously


Common Types of Cyber Threats and breaches? 


Who is a hacker and what types of Hackers are out there?


Case studies 


Online Safety protocols


Cyber Hygiene Best Practices

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Cyber health check

Cyber health checks are increasingly becoming essential for Sri Lankan organizations. As threat actors find more inventive ways to penetrate a company's cybersecurity and policymakers and regulators become more demanding on compliance standards, it has become imperative to continually assess the integrity of an organization's people, processes, and technologies to ensure the security of your company's sensitive data and your customers' data. As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, the criticality of conducting such assessments helps organizations to stay compliant and reduce their exposure to threats.

Our Cybersafe experts can help you conduct assessments of your infrastructure and processes to ensure that you are resilient and to prescribe a suite of policies that include, but are not limited to, standards such as ISO 27001 and NIST.

Cyber security/data privacy policy creation & rollout

Whether you are a company operating locally or internationally cyber security and data privacy policies are a must to ensure you are able to conduct business in a safe, resilient and compliant manner. It is no longer enough to post a PDPA/GDPR link on your website or a privacy policy note as the execution of those policies and practices need to be tested for validity throughout your organization. Your systems and their access is impacted, personnel in the company who need to take charge of data, all of which may entail legal consequences. Cybersafe will create actionable and measurable cyber and data privacy policies and procedures and help roll these out across your functions so that your organization is operating in the safest manner possible.

Ransomware diagnosis & response

Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to take your systems hostage. Once a malicious party gains control, they deny you access and encrypt your organization's data - This could deal a devastating blow to your revenue and customer experience and it would actively disrupt your organization's day to day operations. Increasingly due to developments in the Sri Lankan regulatory landscape such as the Personal Data Protection Act and Cyber Security Act, organizations are expected to contain these types of incidents and notify regulators of their remedial actions. Talk to Cybersafe as we will provide our expert guidance on crisis management and technical support to help mitigate a dangerous situation.
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