A false Sinhala-language message has been circulating in Sri Lanka on Facebook, warning users not to open two purported malware videos shared on WhatsApp. The message falsely claims that opening these videos, titled 'Martinelli' and 'The Pope's Dance,' will lead to phone hacking. However, according to Meta, the owner of WhatsApp and Facebook, this claim is untrue.

The message advises users to be cautious and not click on suspicious links, reporting such messages within the app. Cybersecurity expert Asela Waidyalankara confirmed that this message has been circulating globally in various languages since at least 2017. While it's technically possible to spread malware through video files, there's no evidence to support the specific titles mentioned in the message as hacking tools.

Asela Waidyalankara emphasized the importance of not forwarding unverified claims and the potential risks of doing so. The claim about the 'Martinelli' video being dangerous has been debunked since at least 2017, and similar false claims have circulated in other countries as well. It's essential for users to exercise caution, verify information, and avoid spreading hoaxes.

Experts are raising concerns about the Anonymous Hacker Collective's cyberattack on Sri Lanka, warning of potential repercussions. Cybersecurity Advisor Asela Waidyalankara highlights the fragility of Sri Lanka's e-Government system and the risk of personal data exposure, including medical and financial information. He advises updating passwords but notes that compromised data could be exploited for fraud or sold on the dark web. The full impact of the cyberattacks may only become clear in the future, and experts caution against seeking hacktivist intervention. Anonymous, known for cyberattacks on governments and institutions, has launched "#OpSriLanka" against the Sri Lankan government.

The call for international "hacktivist" collective Anonymous to target Sri Lankan government websites has raised concerns about the potential consequences of such an intervention. Cybersecurity consultant Asela Waidyalankara warns that inviting Anonymous to launch cyberattacks can result in damage to national cybersecurity and additional costs to taxpayers. The attacks on government websites, funded by taxpayers, may inconvenience the public and negatively impact local businesses, particularly e-commerce. Furthermore, Anonymous's actions can be used to discredit activists, and their Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are viewed as a cry for attention rather than a solution. Waidyalankara emphasizes that such cyberattacks are illegal and underscores the importance of addressing issues through honorable efforts and hard work rather than resorting to cybercrime.

The article discusses cyberactivism in Sri Lanka and the involvement of hacktivist group "Anonymous." Key points include:

Cyberactivism Defined: Cyberactivism involves using internet-based technologies and platforms for various causes, enabling self-expression and self-organization around social, political, humanitarian, religious, or environmental issues.

Tools of Cyberactivism: Cyberactivists use a range of tools such as social media, messaging services, email campaigns, online petitions, and crowdfunding platforms. Some cyberactivism may push ethical and legal boundaries.

Hacktivism: Hacktivism is the use of hacking skills for political goals, which can range from civil disobedience to more disruptive actions, potentially affecting organizations and countries.

'Anonymous' and '#OpSriLanka': "Anonymous" is a decentralized hacktivist collective known for cyberattacks against governments and institutions. They have launched "#OpSriLanka" against the Sri Lankan government, raising concerns about potential cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity Risks: Inviting hacktivists like Anonymous can pose cybersecurity risks, potentially compromising personal information and confidential data.

Long-Term Impact: While there have been no major consequences of the recent cyberattacks, experts warn that the full repercussions may only become apparent in the future.

Protecting Personal Data: Individuals with credentials in the e-Government system are advised to change or update their passwords and login details.

The article also raises questions about the potential of online political activism to change the democratic process and emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity in the age of cyberactivism.

Sri Lanka is on a digital transformation journey, driven by increased smartphone accessibility and COVID-19. However, the nation faces a significant challenge: the need to prioritize cybersecurity as a strategic imperative rather than just a technical concern. Recent cyber incidents, like the ransomware attack on the "gov.lk" domain, highlight vulnerabilities in the government's digital infrastructure and erode public trust.

To achieve its digital goals and become more citizen-centric, Sri Lanka must ensure that all public-sector touchpoints are digital. The government's ability to respond to cybersecurity threats effectively relies on three pillars: people, processes, and technology. Cultivating a culture of security is crucial.

The geopolitical dimension is also vital, as sensitive government data may be accessed by state or non-state actors. The time it takes to detect and contain breaches is concerning. Similar incidents globally emphasize the importance of cybersecurity in safeguarding national security.

Legally, Sri Lanka has taken steps to protect citizen data with the Personal Data Protection Act and the upcoming Cyber Security Bill. However, awareness of cybersecurity's implications must extend beyond legal compliance.

In an era of blurred digital and physical boundaries, a robust cybersecurity stance is not an option but an imperative.

Sri Lanka is currently facing a significant cybersecurity crisis due to a ransomware attack that has targeted critical government institutions. This incident has exposed the nation's digital vulnerabilities and has led experts to call for immediate and comprehensive cybersecurity reforms.

The attack involved malicious actors encrypting sensitive government data and demanding payment for its release. While the full extent of the damage is still uncertain, it highlights serious concerns about the security of vital government information.

Cybersecurity consultant Asela Waidyalankara expressed concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the incident and the potential compromise of sensitive government data. This could have national security and even geopolitical implications, as ransomware attacks can cause significant disruptions and result in data loss.

Waidyalankara emphasized the importance of a nuanced and strategic approach to cybersecurity, including the need for a comprehensive national policy and strategy. He called for an inquiry to understand the reasons behind the attack and formulate effective policies to prevent future incidents.

One key issue highlighted is the lack of cyber security precautions, including the absence of backups and the need to adhere to data protection laws. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) was also emphasized to ensure quick recovery in case of a security incident.

Sri Lanka's Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) advised against paying ransoms, as there is no guarantee of data recovery. International collaboration is essential to address the aftermath of such attacks.

The Federation of IT Industry Sri Lanka stressed that cybersecurity must evolve as technology rapidly advances. Security by design, where security is integrated into applications from the start, is encouraged.

Despite the challenges, Sri Lanka has taken positive steps in the realm of cybersecurity, including the development of policies and the pending Cyber Security Act. Private sector initiatives, such as security operation centers, also reflect a growing recognition of the importance of cybersecurity in the digital age.

Overall, the ransomware attack serves as a reminder that cybersecurity is an ongoing process essential for the nation's digital future, requiring continuous monitoring and adaptation as technology evolves.
Addressing this challenge requires public-private partnerships, cybersecurity education, and capacity-building initiatives. Sri Lanka must be prepared collectively and led by strong political leadership to mitigate cyber threats effectively.

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